

Governance and Management

Encoded By: Mary Joyce Chang

The training covers topics such as the roles and responsibilities of cooperative officers, the different types of cooperative governance structures, the importance of strategic planning, and the best practices for managing cooperative operations. The topics are as follows:

  • Roles and responsibilities of cooperative officers: The training will discuss the different roles and responsibilities of cooperative officers, including the board of directors, the management team, and the audit committee.
  • Cooperative governance structures: The training will cover the different types of cooperative governance structures, such as the general assembly, the board of directors, and the management team.
  • Strategic planning: The training will discuss the importance of strategic planning for cooperatives and how to develop and implement a strategic plan.
  • Managing cooperative operations: The training will cover the best practices for managing cooperative operations, such as budgeting, financial reporting, and human resource management.


  • Valid ID (must be a resident and registered voter of Calamba City)
  • Request letter of the representative of the cooperative addressed to the Mayor or to Sir Opulencia
  • Duly filled profile form with 2x2 picture 
  • List of attended Orientations / Seminars / Training

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